

RANK–RANKL signalling in cancer

Renema N, Navet B, Heymann MF, Lezot F, Heymann D

Journal: Bioscience Reports
Volume: 36, Issue 4
Année: Août 2016
Pages: 366

Safety and Clinical Effectiveness of Percutaneous Vertebroplasty in the Elderly (≥80 years)

Clarençon F, Fahed R, Gabrieli J, Guermazi Y, Cormier E, Molet-Benhamou L, Jean B, Dadoun S, Rose M, Le Jean L, Chiras J.

Journal: European Radiology
Volume: 26, Issue 7
Année: Juillet 2016
Pages: 2352-2358

Spinal stereotactic body radiotherapy: French assessment in 2016

Pougnet I, Jaegle E, Garcia R, Tessier F, Faivre JC, Louvel G, Gross E, Gonzague L, Benchalal M, Ducteil A, Supiot S, Autret D, Clavier JB, Mirabel X, Bellière A, Wdowczyk D, Heymann S, Barillot I, de La Lande B, Passerat V, Sunyach MP, Lipinski F, Thibouw D, Guichard F, Chauvet B, Thariat J, Arnaud A

Journal: Cancer/ Radiothérapie
Volume: 21, Issue 4
Année: Juin 2016
Pages: 276-285

Evaluation of the relevance of surgery in a retrospective case series of patients who underwent the surgical treatment of a symptomatic spine metastasis from lung cancer

Zairi F, Karnoub MA, Vieillard MH, Bouras A, Marinho P, Allaoui M, Devos P, Assaker R

Journal: European Spine Journal
Volume: 25
Année: Janvier 2016
Pages: 4052-4059


Evaluation of a 3 field-of-view bone SPECT-CT acquisition protocol in oncology and rheumatology setting

Abulizi de Beaulieu M, Paycha F

Journal: Médecine Nucléaire
Volume: 39, Issue 6
Année: Décembre 2015
Pages: 486-501

Bone antiresorptive agents in the treatment of bone metastases associated with solid tumours or multiple myeloma

Terpos E, Confavreux CB, Clézardin P

Journal: BoneKey Reports
Volume: 4
Année: Octobre 2015
Pages: 744

Radiotherapy of bone metastases: Which fractionations?

Thureau S, Leysalle A, Faivre JC, Lagrange JL

Journal: Cancer/ Radiothérapie
Volume: 19, Issue 6-7
Année: Octobre 2015
Pages: 437-441

18F-NaF PET/CT: EANM procedure guidelines for bone imaging

Beheshti M, Mottaghy FM, Paycha F, Behrendt FF, Van den Wyngaert T, Fogelman I, Strobel K, Celli M, Fanti S, Giammarile F, Krause B, Langsteger W

Journal: European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Volume: 42
Année: Juillet 2015
Pages: 1767-1777

Spine metastases: are minimally invasive surgical techniques living up to the hype?

Zairi F, Vieillard MH, Assaker R

Journal: CNS Oncology
Volume: 4, Issue 4
Année: Juin 2015

Receptor tyrosine kinases: Characterisation, mechanism of action and therapeutic interests for bone cancers

Ségaliny AI, Tellez-Gabriel M, Heymann MF, Heymann D

Journal: Journal of Bone Oncology
Volume: 4, Issue 1
Année: Mars 2015
Pages: 1-12