

Vertebroplasty and interventional radiology procedures for bone metastases

Laredo JD, Chiras J, Kemel S, Taihi L, Hamze B

Journal: Joint Bone Spine
Volume: 85, Issue 2
Année: Mars 2018
Pages: 191-199

Bone radionuclide therapy and increased survival with radium-223 is the way to go for nuclear medicine: the offer that oncologists cannot refuse

Delgado Bolton RC, Giammarile F

Journal: European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Volume: 45
Année: Janvier 2018
Pages: 822-823

Connexins, important players in the dissemination of prostate cancer cells

Boucher J, Monvoisin A, Vix J, Mesnil M, Thuringer D, Debiais F, Cronier L

Journal: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes
Volume: 1860, Issue 1
Année: Janvier 2018
Pages: 202-215


Effect of intra-tibial injection on mechanical properties of mouse bone

Delpuech B, Confavreux C, Bouazza L, Geraci S, Clezardin P, Mitton D, Follet H

Journal: Computer Methids in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 
Volume: 20
Année: Octobre 2017
Pages: S57-S58

Interventional radiology in bone metastases

Chiras J, Shotar E, Cormier E, Clarençon F.

Journal: European Journal of Cancer Care
Volume: 26, Issue 6
Année: Novembre 2017

TMPRSS2-ERG fusion promotes prostate cancer metastases in bone

Deplus R, Delliaux C, Marchand N, Flourens A, Tomavo N, Leroy X, De Launoit Y, Duterque-Coquillaud M

Journal: Oncotarget
Volume: 8
Année: Février 2017
Pages: 11827-11840


Stereotactic body radiation therapy for spinal metastases

Pasquier D, Martinage G, Mirabel X, Lacornerie T, Makhloufi S, Faivre JC, Thureau S, Lartigau É

Journal: Cancer/ Radiothérapie
Volume: 20, Issue 6-7
Année: Octobre 2016
Pages: 500-507

Development of imaging probes for bone cancer in animal models. A systematic review

Fernandes RS, Dos Santos Ferreira D, de Aguiar Ferreira C, Giammarile F, Rubello D, de Barros ALB

Journal: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
Volume: 83
Année: Octobre 2016
Pages: 1253-1264

Conformal radiotherapy for vertebral bone metastasis

Faivre JC, Py JF, Vogin G, Martinage G, Salleron J, Royer P, Grandgirard N, Pasquier D, Thureau S

Journal: Cancer/ Radiothérapie
Volume: 20, Issue 6-7
Année: Octobre 2016
Pages: 493-499

The EANM practice guidelines for bone scintigraphy

Van den Wyngaert T, Strobel K, Kampen WU, Kuwert T, van der Bruggen W, Mohan HK, Gnanasegaran G, Delgado-Bolton R, Weber WA, Beheshti M, Langsteger W, Giammarile F, Mottaghy FM, Paycha F

Journal: European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Volume: 43
Année: Août 2016
Pages: 1723-1738