Farnesoid X receptor as marker of osteotropism of breast cancers through its role in the osteomimetism of tumor cells
Absil L Journé F, Larsimont D, Body JJ, Nonclercq D
Journal: BMC Cancer
Volume: 20
Année: Juillet 2020
Pages: Article 640
Parosteal osteosarcoma associated with a low-grade component mimicking well-differentiated liposarcoma: a case report
Sohier P, Rodrigues M, Anract P, Feydy A, Larousserie F.
Journal: Skeletal Radiology
Volume: 49, Issue 6
Année: Juin 2020
Adapting palliative radiation therapy for bone metastases during the Covid- 19 pandemic: GEMO position paper
Sébastien Thureau, Jean Christophe Faivre, Richard Assaker, Emmanuel Biver, Cyrille B. Confavreux, Françoise Debiais, Martine Duterque-Coquillaud, Francesco Giammarile, Dominique Heymann, Frédéric E. Lecouvet, Laetitia Morardet, Frederic Paycha, Jean-Jacques Body, Marie-Hélène Vieillard
Journal: Journal of Bone Oncology
Volume: 22
Année: Juin 2020
Pages: 100291

Bone decalcification to assess programmed cell death ligand 1 expression in bone metastases of non-small cell lung cancers
Pontarollo G, Confavreux CB, Pialat JB, Isaac S, Forest F, Yvorel V, Maury JM, Girard N, Brevet M
Journal: Journal of Bone Oncology
Volume: 21
Année: Avril 2020
Pages: 100275
Safety and effectiveness of cervical vertebroplasty: report of a large cohort and systematic review
Clarençon F, Fahed R, Cormier E, Haffaf I, Spano JP, Shotar E, Premat K, Bonaccorsi R, Degos V, Chiras J.
Journal: European Radiology
Volume: 30, Issue 3
Année: Mars 2020
Pages: 1571-1583
Shortening the acquisition time of whole-body MRI: 3D T1 gradient echo Dixon vs fast spin echo for metastatic screening in prostate cancer
Lecouvet FE, Pasoglou V, Van Nieuwenhove S, Van Haver T, de Broqueville Q, Denolin V, Triqueneaux P, Tombal B, Michoux N
Journal: European Radiology
Volume: 20
Année: Février 2020
Pages: 3083-3093
Bone Metastasis: Current State of Play
Turpin M, Duterque-Coquillaud M, Vieillard MH
Journal: Translational Oncology
Volume: 13, Issue 2
Année: Février 2020
Pages: 308-320
Bone sarcomas in the immunotherapy era
Heymann MF, Schiavone K, Heymann D.
Journal: British Journal of Pharmacology
Volume: 177
Année: Janvier 2020
French recommendations on strategies for preventing and treating osteoporosis induced by adjuvant breast cancer therapies
Bouvard B, Confavreux CB, Briot K, Bonneterre J, Cormier C, Cortet B, Hannoun-Lévi JM, Hennequin C, Javier RM, Kerbrat P, Lespessailles E, Lesur A, Mayeur D, Paccou J, Trémollières F, Vieillard MH, Debiais F
Journal: Joint Bone Spine
Volume: 86, Issue 5
Année: Octobre 2019
Pages: 542-553
Circulating Tumor Cells as a Tool for Assessing Tumor Heterogeneity
Tellez-Gabriel M, Heymann MF, Heymann D
Journal: Theranostics
Volume: 9, Issue 16
Année: Août 2019
Pages: 4580-4594